OAHI (Ontario Associaton of Home Inspectors)
Code of conduct
⦁ Carry on the practice of Home Inspection in accordance with law, integrity and honesty
⦁ Maintain client confidentiality
⦁ Not act for or accept payment from more than one party concurrently in connection with the subject property unless fully disclosed to and approved by all parties
⦁ Remain independent and at arms length from any other business or personal interests which might affect the quality of the service provided; in particular:
i. a member shall not repair for a fee any condition found during an inspection, nor use the inspection as a vehicle to deliberately obtain work in another field;
ii. a member who sells real estate may not inspect properties located within the jurisdiction of the real estate board or boards where he, or the company with which he is associated, are active; and
iii. a member who provides public sector inspection services may not inspect a property within a jurisdiction where they have public sector authority or responsibility that would affect the subject property;
⦁ Promptly disclose to the client any relationship to the property or interested party, business or personal interest which might be construed as affecting the member's independence;
⦁ Not solicit, receive or give referral fees;
⦁ Refer trades or other specialists only when doing so is in the best interest of the client, and does not detract from the member's independence;
⦁ Only provide an opinion on conditions and matters within the scope of the member's expertise, education, experience and profession;
⦁ Only provide services that are within the scope of the member's training and expertise;
⦁ Provide the client with a written contract and written report that outlines the scope, limitations, and applicable standards of the services performed; and
⦁ Act in good faith to all, uphold the integrity and reputation of the profession, respond promptly to complaints.